Online workshop: Futures of Ageing
How can we take practical steps toward an age-friendly society?
On Wednesday November 25th, we invite participants from all over the world to take part in a different kind of event. For this first of two online workshops, we join forces with Fremtenkt (Future Thinking). Their method is based on the work of late peace activist and pioneer environmentalist Robert Jungk (below).
Robert Jungk speaking at the American military depot of Mutlangen in 1983. Photo from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Rather than presenting a paper or giving a talk, we would like to invite you to bring yourself and your personal, practical or academic experiences and perspectives. During this workshop we aim to create a miniature democracy. You will be given the opportunity to frankly discuss destructive aspects of your local community, imagine an alternative age-friendly reality, and draft concrete plans towards an age-friendly future.
The workshop will be held on Wednesday, 25 November 2020 at 15:00 (CET). That's 06:00 for LA, 09:00 for NY, 14:00 for London, and 01:00 for Sydney. Approximate duration is 3 hours. There is a limited number of spaces, so please make sure to sign up in time: